Buenos Aires, 12/03/2025, edición Nº 3856
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Passion for Tango



mundial de tango
Born in the immigrant working class neighbourhoods of Buenos Aires in the late-nineteenth century, and responsible for much of the ‘lunfardo’ (slang) spoken by today’s porteños, the sensual tango is as much a way of life as it is a music and dance. Unsurprisingly then, BA is awash with tango shows, ‘milongas’ (dance halls), tango schools, tango-themed cafes and hotels, tango tours and even dial-a-tango-partner agencies.

Just want to watch or listen?
The World Tango Festival and World Cup is held annually in mid-August at a range of venues in the city. As well as the hotly-contested international competition, it offers shows, classes and milongas to everyone from beginners to experienced dancers.

There are many tanguerías (venues hosting tango shows) in the city, with live orchestras and dancers. TripAdvisor also has info and user-generated reviews on tango shows, many of which include dinner. Or if you prefer a more informal viewing experience, head to one of BA’s traditional tango cafés, like Café Tortoni or El Faro.

Tango tours are also very popular in BA. You’ll find several listed on TripAdvisor. And if you just want to listen to tango, tune in to City Radio 2×4 (FM 92.7), a local station devoted to the city’s favorite music and dance.
Tango Buenos Aires Festival y Mundial
Fancy dancing?
Well-known venues offering tango classes for all levels can be found in the Tango Schools section. Our Spanish site has a list of the most popular milongas. Note that many milonga venues will also offer classes before the actual milonga begins. The Hoy Milonga website and app is also a good resource for updated listings on milongas every day of the week.
Below are a few online articles in English about the tango experience in BA:
• ‘Buenos Aires Tango: Do’s & Don’ts, Shows & Milongas’, LandingPadBA
• ‘Buenos Aires Tango & Milonga Guide’, Gringo in Buenos Aires
• ‘A Guide to Tango in Buenos Aires’, Playground Buenos Aires
• ‘Tango experiences in Buenos Aires’, Lonely Planet

Source: buenosaires.gob.ar

Noticias más leídas

Propietario y Editor Responsable: Maria Ana D'Anna
Director Periodístico: Roberto D´Anna
Domicilio Legal: Pedernera 772
CP: 1407
Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Teléfono de contacto: 153 600 6906
Registro DNDA Nº: RE-2020-52386983-APN-DNDA#MJ

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